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Building Your Bus
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This is a brief description of the service ...

What we need to build a bus

bulletIf you would like Wooden Bus to build you your own custom bus, there are a few things we need, before the process can begin.
bulletClear and close up pictures of the front, sides and rear of the bus, *note: these pictures must be taken from the side on, angled pictures will not produce a good image for square items such as doors and windows.


bulletIf your model is not a school bus, we will need a complete list of colours used in your bus, and detailed pictures of any custom decals or graphics

Information Request Form

Question:  I have pictures of a bus that I would like a model of, how can I get them to you.

Answer: If your pictures are digital, then e-mail them to
            If they are regular photographs then we will e-mail an address to you so
            that you can send the pictures to Wooden Bus. All pictures will be returned
            with the completed model.



Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: 03/22/03